We provide strategic, practical and expert economic regulatory advice and assistance to regulated businesses, regulators and new entrants operating in traditionally regulated markets. We offer specialist governance, facilitation and project management support for pricing and other economic regulatory submissions. We provide independent expert economic opinions; practical assistance in preparing documentation; training on writing and modelling for regulatory proposals; strategic advice on approaches to determining the cost of capital, incentive scheme design, pricing and customer engagement; and assistance to develop and implement stakeholder engagement strategies. We also help businesses and regulatory bodies to understand the practical effects of regulation, and how market and technological changes affect regulatory and commercial strategies.
We assist government, businesses and regulators with the development and implementation of policy across a wide range of infrastructure sectors. We have deep experience in energy policy and utility sector economic reforms. Our advice is informed by having held senior roles in governments, regulators and rule makers. Drawing on our commercial and public policy experience, we ensure the right focus and balance of change. We also provide policy advocacy support for businesses.
We assist clients to apply a range of quantitative tools including financial, regulatory, pricing and economic models. We look for innovative solutions to complex problems, ensuring that these are user friendly and accurate, and follow best practice. We have a deep understanding of regulatory and broader modelling, the applicable rules and precedents, and the value levers these offer to infrastructure service providers and economic regulators.
Our consultants act as members of dispute resolution panels, prepare independent expert reports, and provide expert witness testimony to court proceedings and contract arbitrations.
We identify risks and help develop risk mitigation strategies for regulatory, strategic and policy initiatives. We apply well-accepted risk evaluation approaches, and bring valuable insights based on our extensive utility experience working with regulators, businesses, and government including on the potential impacts of government policies.
Rate of return estimation is a complex – and regularly disputed – area of regulatory practice that is often in need of clear, targeted and evidence-based thinking. Our people help clients navigate this complexity by articulating objectives, summarising theoretical and empirical analysis, scoping areas for further investigation, estimating rates of return, drafting submissions, and managing stakeholder engagement.
We advise businesses, governments and regulators on increasing the role of customer participation in regulatory and pricing processes, and business decision making. We design, facilitate, and evaluate customer and stakeholder research and engagement programs for utilities across Australia and New Zealand.
We manage large complex projects with divergent stakeholder positions, and coordinate diverse professional input—legal, regulatory, economic, financial, accounting, engineering and technical—in constrained timeframes. We assist in establishing appropriate governance arrangements, specifying work required, managing expert input and ensuring delivery to required timeframes and outcomes.
Our consultants act as chairs, facilitators, independent members and advisers to various clients including government and industry committees, consultative forums and working groups. We use best practice tools and experience to facilitate workshops, forums, and other events that involve many participants. We design our facilitation and technology use to ensure we get the outcomes that our clients seek.
We provide advice on development and drafting of legal instruments to give effect to policy and regulatory decisions. We have experience working for governments and regulators in a range of sectors, with particular expertise in the energy industry. We have supported the drafting of a wide range of instruments including rules, procedures, guidelines, licences and undertakings, and drafting instructions for regulations.
We provide independent input to strategic planning activities for policy, regulatory and commercial organisations. Farrierswier staff regularly facilitate workshops, provide project secretariat services, and manage paper development and coordination for project steering committees and executive strategy groups. We often work alongside our clients’ staff to provide targeted staff mentoring and up-skilling in relation to sector policy and regulation. We also provide education to train our clients’ staff in regulatory theory and Australian and New Zealand regulatory practice.
We support businesses to make the right decisions in response to evolving markets, emissions reduction,and regulation. We make sure decisions are made with full regard to context, clear objectives and trade-offs, and are supported by robust analysis and governance arrangements.
Regulatory support
Policy development
Dispute resolution, expert advice and testimony
Risk review
Regulated rate of return strategy
Customer and stakeholder engagement
Project governance and management
Large group facilitation, working groups and committees
Instrument drafting
Strategic planning and staff development
Business decision making