How we work
Farrierswier is trusted by leading businesses, governments, and institutions to deliver robust, objective advice and enduring solutions in the energy, water and transport sectors. Farrierswier specialises in solving challenging problems and developing practical solutions, often within very tight timeframes.
Our consultants bring a wealth of diverse practical experience as reformers, policy makers, regulators, board members of regulated utilities and system operators, and ministerial advisers.
We are known and respected for our sound judgment, rigorous approach, pragmatism, and success. We have a strong reputation for delivering on time and meeting clients’ needs.
Our approach to dispute resolution, expert advice and testimony focuses on strong conceptual and practical knowledge, independence and objectivity.
Our approach to assisting clients is differentiated by:
Being clear about the context for our work
No matter how big the task, we start by understanding not just the questions posed, but also the broader context that will affect the answers.
No government, regulator or regulated business operates in a vacuum. Decisions reflect a mixture of commercial, legal, technical, political and stakeholder incentives and drivers.
Our consultants’ qualifications and expertise in economics, regulatory policy, law, accounting, and business management enable us to view matters through different lenses.
We assist clients to establish effective decision-making structures, and where appropriate, multidisciplinary expert advisory committees.
Our consultants get to the nub of any underlying problem, its drivers, causes and materiality. We identify who is best placed to address the problem, and develop strategies for resolution.
Giving sound and independent advice
We give frank and honest advice that draws on our different disciplines and broad experience.
We communicate effectively, and exercise sound and independent judgment.
Recognising that stakeholder support is key to achieving outcomes
We bring clients and their stakeholders with us on the journey to understand the context, objectives, available information, options, and decisions required. Good ideas can fail if they are not communicated effectively, or accepted by key stakeholders.
Our people have the experience and credibility – and do the necessary homework – to conduct stakeholder workshops that increase understanding, and achieve sound consensus positions wherever possible.