Robert McMillan, Richard Owens and Eli Grace-Webb from farrierswier prepared an insights report for the AEMC as part of its rule change on access, pricing and incentive arrangements for distributed energy resources (DER). We are pleased our report helped the AEMC consider and advance this important DER integration reform.

Having worked on decades of prior network pricing reforms and facilitating rules, and run customer engagement processes for distributors designing tariffs across Australia, it was great to distill the lessons from our experience.  This project gave us the opportunity to test those lessons with stakeholders and then see what those lessons and some realistic export pricing scenarios mean for how we should approach this next round of important pricing reforms.

The AEMC’s draft decision would allow the scope and design of distribution services and pricing to be used as tools for DER integration. We look forward to seeing how distributors work with energy suppliers and their customers to use these new tools for the benefit of all customers.

To read our report: